Broad access to the infrastructure and real assets market across all major sub-sectors, strategies and regions provides clients with high quality investment opportunities to diversify portfolios, while offering stable returns and the potential for income generation and capital appreciation.


Total capital responsibility

As of 06/30/2024

We have built an industry-leading team and global platform with broad market coverage, enduring GP relationships and a rigorous approach to sourcing and investment selection, across regions and strategies.


Investment professionals

As of 06/30/2024

Senior specialists with strong global and local perspectives, deep sector expertise and high-quality execution capabilities.

Strong market positioning

Having deployed over $13B in infrastructure investments on average over the last three years, we are ideally positioned to support our clients with deep GP engagement across the sector. Our platform enables access to a large pool of opportunities across primary fund investments, secondaries, and co-investments, through fully customized solutions and tailored products.

Superior specialization

We provide deep experience across all major infrastructure and real assets sub-sectors, strategies, and geographies, introducing our clients to attractive secular themes across markets.

  • Clean Energy/Renewables
  • Power and utilities
  • Telecommunications
  • Transport
  • Social
  • Natural capital

Responsible Investment

Integrating ESG considerations helps clarify the risks and opportunities surrounding both the sector and specific investments. We believe this drives more sustainable outcomes and the potential for long-term value creation.

Our perspective

Get a clearer, more comprehensive look at the infrastructure market.