As one of the leading allocators in private markets, we recognize our considerable responsibilities to clients, employees and shareholders alike, regarding corporate sustainability — in promoting better decisions, better investments and operational excellence to effect positive real-world outcomes.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

StepStone was founded on creativity, transparency, and trust — principles which help us to better serve our clients, but also anchor a firm we are proud to be a part of. This is only possible with a culture that lets our employees, partners and vendors all know: you matter.

Charitable giving

Our approach to philanthropy has the same far-reaching yet forensic mindset that guides our investment practice. Our corporate giving program identifies and backs donors that move the needle on a global scale and our donation matching program aligns us with the causes that matter most to our employees.

Stepping up

We encourage all our employees to give back and have a positive impact where we live and work. Our Volunteer Time Off program empowers employees to support causes in their local communities.

Responsible Investment

By accounting for ESG risks in every investment we underwrite, we aim to protect clients’ capital and make their portfolios more resilient.


Consistent with best practices, our reports and policies provide insights into how we approach a host of ESG Issues.

2023 Responsible Investment Report

This Responsible Investment (RI) report presents an overview of StepStone’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) integration and stewardship activities from 2023.

2020 Transparency Report

Each year we submit a comprehensive review of how we implement our Responsible Investment processes.

Modern slavery statement

Our position of not tolerating modern slavery and human trafficking boils down to one simple belief: people matter. This principle guides how we run our business, train and treat our employees, and work with clients and vendors.

EU SFDR disclosures

Our EU SFDR Disclosures outline the way in which we consider sustainability factors and integrate sustainability risks into our investment decision-making processes and procedures.

Climate Policy

StepStone recognizes the risks and opportunities that climate change poses and commits to continually improving its performance on climate change issues both at the corporate operational level and within our investment activities.

Responsible Investment Policy

We believe that full integration of ESG factors in both our investment process and internal operations will improve long-term, risk-adjusted returns for our clients.

Stewardship Policy

StepStone recognizes the role that effective stewardship activities can play in private markets, particularly given the nature of investment relationships and extended holding periods for investments.

Our partners

We support a growing network of practitioner and non-profits dedicated to collaborative learning and promoting best practice implementation.

Our perspective

Learn more about StepStone’s research and insights from across our business as we contribute to our community.

StepStone integrates ESG considerations as it endeavors to address all material risks, and commercial considerations during due diligence. StepStone focuses on delivering portfolio value protection, risk mitigation, and value enhancement; where each client’s portfolio is aligned to the client’s investment objectives. As part of this objective, StepStone does not automatically exclude any sector or limit its investments to those that meet specific ESG metrics, except where an account is explicitly designated as such or where a client has affirmatively placed such restrictions on its portfolio. StepStone works to implement client objectives and requirements in part by working to ensure that our due diligence is as rigorous as possible to deliver competitive risk-adjusted commercial outcomes for our clients.